A person I love
© f a n n y s a . b l o g g . s e
Operation städning fortsatte även idag och idag har jag intagit skrubben innanför mitt rum. Har nu fått till två fulla sopsäckar och två papperspåsar till Erikshjälpen. Tar en liten paus nu innan jag kilar ner och hjälper till nere i källaren där röjningen också är i full gång.
Inne i min skrubb finns allt möjligt skräp, men då och då hittar man någon lite guldklimp som man måste sätta sig och titta igenom. Gamla skolböcker, teckningar, bilder ifrån dagis - allt. Jag har precis kommit över en engelskauppgift som jag skrev för precis ett år sedan - i mars 2009 står det. Ska dela med mig av den så förstår ni vad jag menar. Uppgiften var att skriva om "A person I love":
"Friendship is something very beautiful, very important and truly something that everyone should have in their lives. A genuine friend that you can share everything with; laughters, tears, feelings, thougts and so on.
I chose to write about a person that's very important to me. Her name is Chrissi and she's a perfect example of how a true friend should be. First time I met her was more than 10 years ago. The great thing is that we've been best friends since then. Of course, we've went through so much during those years and just the fact that we still are best friends I think indicates that our friendship is pretty strong.
We've had our bad times too, but somehow - fortunately - always found our way back to each other. Because, honestly, I don't think I would make a day without her in my life.
I think we're a good match, we have things in common but also we have differences. She's always there for me, it doesn't matter if I need to talk, it I want a hug or whatever - she always sticks up for me. She's very supportive and takes time to listen. She knows everything about me (seriously) and I've never been worried that she would disclose anything of it. She's the only one I can trust when it comes to very personal things. And even when I don't understand myself, she gets me somehow. She can see if something's wrong and knows how to make me feel better. That's some of the reasons I love her, which I do very much.
Both of us have a great sense of humor (at least that's what we think) and we have a lot of fun together. And during 10 years you have time to do a lot of fun and of course that's exactly what we've been doing. I love thinking about our memories and I would like to tell you about each and every one of them but I believe that's fairly impossible. Though, there's one memory that's very special ..
The year was 2004 and we went to the Canary Islands together. At that time we were only 11 years old and of course we had a great time. We went together with her mum and my dad and stayed there for a week.
Now, 5 years later, we're going to relive that. Well, not exactly but pretty close. May 7, in about 2 months from now, we're going to Crete with my parents since my mum just turned 40. It's very exciting! We will have our own hotel room and I just can't wait.
Anyway, we're very positive when we look at our future. We hope that those 10 years just is a start of a lifelong friendship.."
Jag saknar dig! ♥
naaw :') jätte bra skrivit!
& jag saknar dig med!